We act as a bridge between Muslim women, girls and statutory and voluntary sector to create positive change.
Project and campaign work
In a rapidly changing cultural climate, there are a range of issues affecting Muslim women in Nottingham. Our projects shine a light on some of the most harmful, including hate crime, domestic abuse and gender-based discrimination.
We work to challenge and expose attitudes and raise awareness both within and outside the community. We engage with statutory bodies, community leaders, community groups and front line staff across the board to create meaningful and positive change for Muslim women and girls.
All our project work involves research and evaluation, and we share consolidated learnings based on our community insight with our partners.
Consultancy and training for partners
Using our knowledge of community experience, we run workshops on forced marriage, honour based abuse, Muslim Women’s rights in Islam, introduction to Community Activism. We also run a bilingual Freedom programme in Punjabi/Urdu as well as workshops on healthy relationships.
We work closely with community members to understand their needs and concerns and channel this knowledge directly back into unique insights.
We are regularly asked to provide insights and community views and concerns in order to inform decision making and service delivery.
Whether you are a frontline professional, partner organisation or statutory body, we can work with you to ensure services are tailored to your priorities.