National Lottery Community Fund
Awards4All Fund – Freedom to Fly 3 – A grant that enabled the Network to train another Freedom Programme Practitioner as well as providing funding for the delivery of ongoing Urdu/Mirpuri Punjabi Freedom Programmes. Funding also covered creche costs.
The Reaching Communities Fund – (Jan. 2023 – Dec. 2025) This fund from The National Lottery Community Fund has allowed the Network to cover core running costs for three years by providing funding for the creation of two new roles and funding to replace two existing roles. The sustained funding for three years will help the Network to fully realise our mission to ensure Muslim women’s voices are heard and their needs are met.
Women’s Resource Centre
Black Minoritised Women’s Fund – This funding from the Women’s Resource Centre helped NMWN cover core costs during a period of financial instability. The fund paid towards some mobile phone costs, office rent and contributed towards core salary costs.
Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC)
Ministry of Justice Funding rounds 2, 3, 4 – This funding from Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) continues to fund the BAME domestic abuse support service.
Make Notts Safe 2021-2022 – This fund from OPCC allowed NMWN to continue running drop-in sessions from Sultania Mosque in Sneinton. It also allowed the Network to deliver workshops on safeguarding issues such as grooming, keeping safe online, drug awareness.
Make Notts Safe – Thematic Grant – (Hidden Harm) – This fund from OPCC has enabled the Network to continue delivering the Freedom Programme in Urdu and other community languages. It has also created an opportunity to develop the domestic abuse service by providing funds to train a member of staff in IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advocate) training. The funding has also enabled the Network to run the Community Activism Programme. A programme that takes a deeper look at the issues of hidden harm in the Muslim community. This fund also allowed for the Network to develop a partnership with Notts Sexual Violence Service, with an aim of working on culturally and language appropriate Consent resources.
OPCC Freedom 2 Fly – This fund allowed us to run two Freedom Programmes, one in English tackling domestic abuse and harmful cultural practices and the second one in Urdu. The funding also enabled the Network to train one member of staff as an Equipped to Succeed Confidence building course practitioner. The fund also allowed for the Network to work more closely with Notts SVS (sexual violence services) informing their practice by discussing the barriers faced by Muslim women in accessing sexual violence support services.
PCC – Men leading for change – This project aimed to develop innovative, culturally and religiously sensitive resources that will help raise awareness of domestic abuse and unhealthy relationships with a ‘call for action’ so Muslim men who are leading figures in the community are aware of DV and the services that are available. We also worked with boys and young men to tackle unhealthy ideas and attitudes towards women, grooming, honour-based abuse and violence and forced marriage.
Nottingham Women’s Centre
Community of Identity (COI) – This funding from Nottingham Women’s Centre funds advocacy and outreach support and allows NMWN to run monthly drop-in sessions and helps to fund advocacy work carried out by the outreach worker.
Nottingham City Council
R2C Funding enabled us to develop and deliver a Mirpuri Punjabi Freedom Programme in partnership with Juno Women’s Aid. Two staff members were trained to develop and deliver the programme in Mirpuri Punjabi.
Sport England
A sporting chance for Muslim women – This fund from Sport England has helped the Network facilitate sporting opportunities for Muslim survivors of domestic abuse.
Rosa and Imkaan
Rosa and Imkaan BME Covid-19 – This fund funded the 16-hour BAME DV worker post, the purchase of three laptops, two chrome books and the purchase of an online Case Management System called Oasis.
Robin Hood Multi Academy Trust
This fund allowed the network to facilitate online zoom sessions on women empowerment and mental wellbeing including yoga in the park and a series of ‘Unprecedented Times’ workshops around Covid-19 and going back to school and health and well-being workshops.
Building Stronger Britain Together
This project allowed the development and delivery of two Community Activism Programmes, which recruited 20 volunteers and trained them in five areas – Female genital mutilation, Hate Crime, Honour based violence, Abuse and domestic violence. The first programme was at the New Art Exchange and also involved the women creating a piece of art that was exhibited at their Summer Arts festival.