Our Mission

Nottingham Muslim Women’s Network is a grassroots community organisation. We ensure local Muslim women’s voices are heard, and their needs are met.

We speak to women about important issues that matter to them, such as harmful cultural practices, honour-based abuse, FGM, hate crime and discrimination.

We are deeply trusted throughout the community and our understanding of these critical issues means we’re uniquely to offer the best support and advice. Listening to these voices, we act as a bridge, channelling the experiences and opinions of our community to inform policy makers, mainstream services, and frontline professionals to create positive change.

Every policy pushed, every decision made, every campaign delivered is directed by the lived experiences of Muslim women.

We want Muslim women of all ages to achieve their full potential. That is why we work hard to support the next generation of Muslim women, empowering them as role models who can shape the lives of those around them.